Are you a pregnant mamma overwhelmed with everything you need to do to get ready for your new baby?

Take a deep breath. You can get ready in only five days. Find out everything you need to know right from the beginning. We'll take you from excited but overwhelmed to confident and prepared for your new arrival. Modules include how to get through pregnancy, build your baby registry, get started breastfeeding, how to save money stockpiling diapers, and labor and delivery 101. This FREE five-day email series will prep you and your home for a new baby in under a week. (Scroll down for more info.)

Get Access to the FREE five-day crash course!

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    Note: When you click the button, you agree to our privacy policy. You’re also signing up for marketing emails from The Mamma's List. You may unsubscribe at any time.

    Carly Sachs

    Founder, The Mamma's List

    Who am I?

    My name is Carly and I started The Mamma’s List in 2017, just over a year after my first daughter was born.

    I found the transition to motherhood to be completely overwhelming. Between the constant nursing sessions, waking multiple times at night, and my job at a Fortune 500 company, I felt like I was failing at everything.

    So, once I was through the newborn phase and felt like I got my life back on track, I became super passionate about helping other new moms make the transition. I realized all the stress started when I was pregnant and didn't feel like I knew what to do to get ready to become a mom. I started The Mamma's List when my first daughter was one, and haven’t looked back. For more information about me, click here.

    What will you learn?

    The five-day email crash course covers key topics for expecting mammas, starting with pregnancy and going through delivery.

    We'll take you from overwhelmed and excited to prepared and confident for your new addition.

    Modules include:

    • Pregnancy
    • How to register (and my top picks)
    • Breastfeeding
    • Medicine Cabinet & Diaper Stockpile
    • Labor & Delivery

    Use of this information and all other free materials on the site are governed by The Mamma's List Terms of Use. Read more in our Disclosure and Privacy Policy.